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3381 - 3390 of 5121 for Odd/even/prime/composite/square numbersSearch Results
A digit sum s_b(n) is a sum of the base-b digits of n, which can be implemented in the Wolfram Language as DigitSum[n_, b_:10] := Total[IntegerDigits[n, b]]The following ...
The Harary index of a graph G on n vertices was defined by Plavšić et al. (1993) as H(G)=1/2sum_(i=1)^nsum_(j=1)^n(RD)_(ij), (1) where (RD)_(ij)={D_(ij)^(-1) if i!=j; 0 if ...
In his last letter to Hardy, Ramanujan defined 17 Jacobi theta function-like functions F(q) with |q|<1 which he called "mock theta functions" (Watson 1936ab, Ramanujan 1988, ...
The braced square problem asks, given a hinged square composed of four equal rods (indicated by the red lines above), how many more hinged rods must be added in the same ...
Take x itself to be a bracketing, then recursively define a bracketing as a sequence B=(B_1,...,B_k) where k>=2 and each B_i is a bracketing. A bracketing can be represented ...
A dissection fallacy is an apparent paradox arising when two plane figures with different areas seem to be composed by the same finite set of parts. In order to produce this ...
The term "Euler graph" is sometimes used to denote a graph for which all vertices are of even degree (e.g., Seshu and Reed 1961). Note that this definition is different from ...
The first practical algorithm for determining if there exist integers a_i for given real numbers x_i such that a_1x_1+a_2x_2+...+a_nx_n=0, or else establish bounds within ...
Let G be a finite graph and v a vertex of G. The stabilizer of v, stab(v), is the set of group elements {g in Aut(G)|g(v)=v}, where Aut(g) is the graph automorphism group. ...
The golden triangle, sometimes also called the sublime triangle, is an isosceles triangle such that the ratio of the hypotenuse a to base b is equal to the golden ratio, ...
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