Search Results for ""
3321 - 3330 of 5121 for Odd/even/prime/composite/square numbersSearch Results

The negative integers ..., -3, -2, -1.
The positive integers 1, 2, 3, ..., equivalent to N.
The nonnegative integers 0, 1, 2, ....
An additive group is a group where the operation is called addition and is denoted +. In an additive group, the identity element is called zero, and the inverse of the ...
"Casting out nines" is an elementary check of a multiplication which makes use of the congruence 10^n=1 (mod 9). Let decimal numbers be written a=a_n...a_2a_1a_0, ...
The Euler formula, sometimes also called the Euler identity (e.g., Trott 2004, p. 174), states e^(ix)=cosx+isinx, (1) where i is the imaginary unit. Note that Euler's ...
A forest is an acyclic graph (i.e., a graph without any graph cycles). Forests therefore consist only of (possibly disconnected) trees, hence the name "forest." Examples of ...
Arrange copies of the n digits 1, ..., n such that there is one digit between the 1s, two digits between the 2s, etc. For example, the unique (modulo reversal) n=3 solution ...
A sequence of n-tuples that fills n-space more uniformly than uncorrelated random points, sometimes also called a low-discrepancy sequence. Although the ordinary uniform ...
Two nonisomorphic graphs that have equal resistance spectra (i.e., multisets of resistance distances) are said to be resistance-equivalent. All nonisomorphic simple graphs on ...
