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2911 - 2920 of 5121 for Odd/even/prime/composite/square numbersSearch Results
If P(n) is a sentential formula depending on a variable n ranging in a set of real numbers, the sentence P(n) for every sufficiently large n (1) means exists N such that P(n) ...
The tetranacci constant is ratio to which adjacent tetranacci numbers tend, and is given by T = (x^4-x^3-x^2-x-1)_2 (1) = 1.92756... (2) (OEIS A086088), where (P(x))_n ...
The tribonacci constant is ratio to which adjacent tribonacci numbers tend, and is given by t = (x^3-x^2-x-1)_1 (1) = 1/3(1+RadicalBox[{19, -, 3, {sqrt(, 33, )}}, ...
In the American system, one trillion equals 10^(12)=1000000000000. In the French and German systems, one trillion equals 10^(18). In recent years, the "American" system has ...
Find nontrivial solutions to sigma(x^2)=sigma(y^2) other than (x,y)=(4,5), where sigma(n) is the divisor function. Nontrivial solutions means that solutions which are ...
A white bishop graph is a graph formed from possible moves of a bishop chess piece, which may make diagonal moves of any length on a chessboard (or any other board), when ...
The Eiffel Tower graph is the graph on 7 vertices illustrated above. (Note that Koren et al. (2003) use the term 'Eiffel Tower graph' to refer instead to the (3,2)-fan ...
Let rho(x) be an mth degree polynomial which is nonnegative in [-1,1]. Then rho(x) can be represented in the form {[A(x)]^2+(1-x^2)[B(x)]^2 for m even; ...
The important binomial theorem states that sum_(k=0)^n(n; k)r^k=(1+r)^n. (1) Consider sums of powers of binomial coefficients a_n^((r)) = sum_(k=0)^(n)(n; k)^r (2) = ...
An affine variety V is an algebraic variety contained in affine space. For example, {(x,y,z):x^2+y^2-z^2=0} (1) is the cone, and {(x,y,z):x^2+y^2-z^2=0,ax+by+cz=0} (2) is a ...