An affine variety
is an algebraic variety contained in affine
space. For example,
is the cone, and
is a conic section, which is a subvariety of the cone. The cone can be written to indicate that it is the variety corresponding
. Naturally, many other
polynomials vanish on
in fact all polynomials in
. The set
is an ideal in the polynomial
Note also, that the ideal of polynomials vanishing on the conic section is the ideal generated by
A morphism between two affine varieties is given by polynomial coordinate functions. For example, the map is a morphism
Two affine varieties are isomorphic if there is a
morphism which has an inverse morphism. For example,
the affine variety
is isomorphic to the cone
via the coordinate change
Many polynomials
may be factored, for instance
, and then
. Consequently, only irreducible
polynomials, and more generally only prime ideals
are used in the definition of a variety.
An affine variety
is the set of common zeros of a collection of polynomials
, ...,
, i.e.,
as long as the ideal is a prime
ideal. More classically, an affine variety is defined by any set of polynomials,
i.e., what is now called an algebraic set. Most
points in
will have dimension
may have singular points like the origin in the cone.
is one-dimensional generically (at almost all points), which typically occurs when
, then
is called a curve. When
is two-dimensional, it is called a surface. In the case of
CW-complex affine space, a curve is a Riemann
surface, possibly with some singularities.
The Wolfram Language function ContourPlot will graph affine varieties in the real affine plane. For example, the following graphs a hyperbola and a circle.
GraphicsGrid[{{ ContourPlot[x^2 - y^2 == 1, {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2}], ContourPlot[x^2 + y^2 == 1, {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2}] }}]