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The French metro metric is an example for disproving apparently intuitive but false properties of metric spaces. The metric consists of a distance function on the plane such ...
The functional derivative is a generalization of the usual derivative that arises in the calculus of variations. In a functional derivative, instead of differentiating a ...
The G-transform of a function f(x) is defined by the integral (Gf)(x)=(G_(pq)^(mn)|(a_p); (b_q)|f(t))(x) (1) =1/(2pii)int_sigmaGamma[(b_m)+s, 1-(a_n)-s; (a_p^(n+1))+s, ...
The half-altitude circle is the circumcircle of the half-altitude triangle. The circle function is given by l=(f(a,b,c))/(128a^2b^3c^3cosAcosBcosC), (1) where (2) which is ...
The hypersine (n-dimensional sine function) is a function of a vertex angle of an n-dimensional parallelotope or simplex. If the content of the parallelotope is P and the ...
The intangents circle is the circumcircle of the intangents triangle. It has circle function l=((-a+b+c)f(a,b,c))/(8a^2b^2c^2cosAcosBcosC), (1) where (2) which is not a ...
In univariate interpolation, an interpolant is a function L=L(x) which agrees with a particular function f at a set of known points x_0,x_1,x_2,...,x_n and which is used to ...
Let n be an integer variable which tends to infinity and let x be a continuous variable tending to some limit. Also, let phi(n) or phi(x) be a positive function and f(n) or ...
A link invariant is a function from the set of all links to any other set such that the function does not change as the link is changed (up to isotopy). In other words, a ...
The logarithmic distribution is a continuous distribution for a variate X in [a,b] with probability function P(x)=(lnx)/(b(lnb-1)-a(lna-1)) (1) and distribution function ...
