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A Bessel function Z_n(x) is a function defined by the recurrence relations Z_(n+1)+Z_(n-1)=(2n)/xZ_n (1) and Z_(n+1)-Z_(n-1)=-2(dZ_n)/(dx). (2) The Bessel functions are more ...
The Heaviside step function is a mathematical function denoted H(x), or sometimes theta(x) or u(x) (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972, p. 1020), and also known as the "unit step ...
An equation derived by Kronecker: where r(n) is the sum of squares function, zeta(z) is the Riemann zeta function, eta(z) is the Dirichlet eta function, Gamma(z) is the gamma ...
A generalization of the hypergeometric function identity (1) to the generalized hypergeometric function _3F_2(a,b,c;d,e;x). Darling's products are (2) and (3) which reduce to ...
A smooth function is a function that has continuous derivatives up to some desired order over some domain. A function can therefore be said to be smooth over a restricted ...
There are a number of functions in mathematics commonly denoted with a Greek letter lambda. Examples of one-variable functions denoted lambda(n) with a lower case lambda ...
By analogy with the sinc function, define the tanc function by tanc(z)={(tanz)/z for z!=0; 1 for z=0. (1) Since tanz/z is not a cardinal function, the "analogy" with the sinc ...
A function with k continuous derivatives is called a C^k function. In order to specify a C^k function on a domain X, the notation C^k(X) is used. The most common C^k space is ...
A meromorphic function is a single-valued function that is analytic in all but possibly a discrete subset of its domain, and at those singularities it must go to infinity ...
A set within which the values of a function lie (as opposed to the range, which is the set of values that the function actually takes).
