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Let Omega be a bounded open set in R^d whose boundary partialOmega is at least C^1 smooth and let T:C_c^1(Omega^_)->L^p(partialOmega) (1) be a linear operator defined by ...
A "pointwise-bounded" family of continuous linear operators from a Banach space to a normed space is "uniformly bounded." Symbolically, if sup||T_i(x)|| is finite for each x ...
A left Hilbert Algebra A whose involution is an antilinear isometry is called a unimodular Hilbert algebra. The involution is usually denoted xi|->xi^*.
Given a topological vector space X and a neighborhood V of 0 in X, the polar K=K(V) of V is defined to be the set K(V)={Lambda in X^*:|Lambdax|<=1 for every x in V} and where ...
The versine, also known as the "versed sine," is a little-used trigonometric function defined by versin(z) = 2sin^2(1/2z) (1) = 1-cosz, (2) where sinz is the sine and cosz is ...
Let X=(X,tau) be a topological vector space whose continuous dual X^* may or may not separate points (i.e., may or may not be T2). The weak-* (pronounced "weak star") ...
e^(i(ntheta))=(e^(itheta))^n. (1) From the Euler formula it follows that cos(ntheta)+isin(ntheta)=(costheta+isintheta)^n. (2) A similar identity holds for the hyperbolic ...
A complex function is said to be analytic on a region R if it is complex differentiable at every point in R. The terms holomorphic function, differentiable function, and ...
In geometry, the term "enlargement" is a synonym for expansion. In nonstandard analysis, let X be a set of urelements, and let V(X) be the superstructure with individuals in ...
The so-called generalized Fourier integral is a pair of integrals--a "lower Fourier integral" and an "upper Fourier integral"--which allow certain complex-valued functions f ...
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