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When the index nu is real, the functions J_nu(z), J_nu^'(z), Y_nu(z), and Y_nu^'(z) each have an infinite number of real zeros, all of which are simple with the possible ...
The curl of a vector field, denoted curl(F) or del xF (the notation used in this work), is defined as the vector field having magnitude equal to the maximum "circulation" at ...
The probability that a random integer between 1 and x will have its greatest prime factor <=x^alpha approaches a limiting value F(alpha) as x->infty, where F(alpha)=1 for ...
The Dirichlet beta function is defined by the sum beta(x) = sum_(n=0)^(infty)(-1)^n(2n+1)^(-x) (1) = 2^(-x)Phi(-1,x,1/2), (2) where Phi(z,s,a) is the Lerch transcendent. The ...
The Dirichlet eta function is the function eta(s) defined by eta(s) = sum_(k=1)^(infty)((-1)^(k-1))/(k^s) (1) = (1-2^(1-s))zeta(s), (2) where zeta(s) is the Riemann zeta ...
A function built up of a finite combination of constant functions, field operations (addition, multiplication, division, and root extractions--the elementary operations)--and ...
The Euler-Lagrange differential equation is the fundamental equation of calculus of variations. It states that if J is defined by an integral of the form J=intf(t,y,y^.)dt, ...
Let E_1(x) be the En-function with n=1, E_1(x) = int_1^infty(e^(-tx)dt)/t (1) = int_x^infty(e^(-u)du)/u. (2) Then define the exponential integral Ei(x) by E_1(x)=-Ei(-x), (3) ...
In the Minkowski space of special relativity, a four-vector is a four-element vector x^mu=(x^0,x^1,x^2,x^3) that transforms under a Lorentz transformation like the position ...
A Gaussian integer is a complex number a+bi where a and b are integers. The Gaussian integers are members of the imaginary quadratic field Q(sqrt(-1)) and form a ring often ...
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