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A multidimensional point process is a measurable function from a probability space (Omega,A,P) into (X,Sigma) where X is the set of all finite or countable subsets of R^d not ...
A generalization of the factorial and double factorial, n! = n(n-1)(n-2)...2·1 (1) n!! = n(n-2)(n-4)... (2) n!!! = n(n-3)(n-6)..., (3) etc., where the products run through ...
The word multiplicity is a general term meaning "the number of values for which a given condition holds." For example, the term is used to refer to the value of the totient ...
A multivalued function, also known as a multiple-valued function (Knopp 1996, part 1 p. 103), is a "function" that assumes two or more distinct values in its range for at ...
Polynomials s_k(x;a) which form the Sheffer sequence for g(t) = ((e^t-1)/t)^(-a) (1) f(t) = e^t-1 (2) which have generating function ...
Consider a power series in a complex variable z g(z)=sum_(n=0)^inftya_nz^n (1) that is convergent within the open disk D:|z|<R. Convergence is limited to within D by the ...
The catacaustic of the natural logarithm lnx specified parametrically as x = t (1) y = lnt (2) is a complicated expression for an arbitrary radiant point. However, for a ...
The decimal expansion of the natural logarithm of 10 is given by ln10=2.302585092994045684... (1) (OEIS A002392). It is also given by the BBP-type formulas ln10 = (2) = ...
The equation of incompressible fluid flow, (partialu)/(partialt)+u·del u=-(del P)/rho+nudel ^2u, where nu is the kinematic viscosity, u is the velocity of the fluid parcel, P ...
Let generalized hypergeometric function _pF_q[alpha_1,alpha_2,...,alpha_p; beta_1,beta_2,...,beta_q;z] (1) have p=q+1. Then the generalized hypergeometric function is said to ...
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