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The quantity being integrated, also called the integral kernel. For example, in intf(x)dx, f(x) is the integrand.
An involutive Banach algebra is a Banach algebra A which is an involutive algebra and ||a^*||=||a|| for all a in A.
Given a general second tensor rank tensor A_(ij) and a metric g_(ij), define theta = A_(ij)g^(ij)=A_i^i (1) omega^i = epsilon^(ijk)A_(jk) (2) sigma_(ij) = ...
Let A be a unital C^*-algebra, then an element u in A is called an isometry if u^*u=1.
A line in the complex plane with slope +/-i. An isotropic line passes through either of the circular points at infinity. Isotropic lines are perpendicular to themselves.
Let f(x) be a real entire function of the form f(x)=sum_(k=0)^inftygamma_k(x^k)/(k!), (1) where the gamma_ks are positive and satisfy Turán's inequalities ...
Let D be a domain in R^n for n>=3. Then the transformation v(x_1^',...,x_n^')=(a/(r^'))^(n-2)u((a^2x_1^')/(r^('2)),...,(a^2x_n^')/(r^('2))) onto a domain D^', where ...
The equation defining Killing vectors. L_Xg_(ab)=X_(a;b)+X_(b;a)=2X_((a;b))=0, where L is the Lie derivative and X_(b;a) is a covariant derivative.
The space called L^infty (ell-infinity) generalizes the L-p-spaces to p=infty. No integration is used to define them, and instead, the norm on L^infty is given by the ...
The L^2-inner product of two real functions f and g on a measure space X with respect to the measure mu is given by <f,g>_(L^2)=int_Xfgdmu, sometimes also called the bracket ...
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