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1911 - 1920 of 13135 for OTHER ANALYSISSearch Results
Elliptic alpha functions relate the complete elliptic integrals of the first K(k_r) and second kinds E(k_r) at elliptic integral singular values k_r according to alpha(r) = ...
The elliptic exponential function eexp_(a,b)(u) gives the value of x in the elliptic logarithm eln_(a,b)(x)=1/2int_infty^x(dt)/(sqrt(t^3+at^2+bt)) for a and b real such that ...
An elliptic fixed point of a differential equation is a fixed point for which the stability matrix has purely imaginary eigenvalues lambda_+/-=+/-iomega (for omega>0). An ...
The first singular value k_1 of the elliptic integral of the first kind K(k), corresponding to K^'(k_1)=K(k_1), (1) is given by k_1 = 1/(sqrt(2)) (2) k_1^' = 1/(sqrt(2)). (3) ...
Let 0<k^2<1. The incomplete elliptic integral of the third kind is then defined as Pi(n;phi,k) = int_0^phi(dtheta)/((1-nsin^2theta)sqrt(1-k^2sin^2theta)) (1) = ...
The invariants of a Weierstrass elliptic function P(z|omega_1,omega_2) are defined by the Eisenstein series g_2(omega_1,omega_2) = 60sum^'_(m,n)Omega_(mn)^(-4) (1) ...
The ordinary differential equation (x^py^')^'+/-x^sigmay^n=0.
The E_n(x) function is defined by the integral E_n(x)=int_1^infty(e^(-xt)dt)/(t^n) (1) and is given by the Wolfram Language function ExpIntegralE[n, x]. Defining t=eta^(-1) ...
The term energy has an important physical meaning in physics and is an extremely useful concept. There are several forms energy defined in mathematics. In measure theory, let ...
An epsilon-delta definition is a mathematical definition in which a statement on a real function of one variable f having, for example, the form "for all neighborhoods U of ...
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