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A projection matrix P is an n×n square matrix that gives a vector space projection from R^n to a subspace W. The columns of P are the projections of the standard basis ...
The rectangle function Pi(x) is a function that is 0 outside the interval [-1/2,1/2] and unity inside it. It is also called the gate function, pulse function, or window ...
The Risch algorithm is a decision procedure for indefinite integration that determines whether a given integral is elementary, and if so, returns a closed-form result for the ...
Consider the inequality sigma(n)<e^gammanlnlnn for integer n>1, where sigma(n) is the divisor function and gamma is the Euler-Mascheroni constant. This holds for 7, 11, 13, ...
Let X be a set of urelements, and let V(X) be the superstructure with X as its set of individuals. Let kappa be a cardinal number. An enlargement V(^*X) is kappa-saturated ...
A singular point of an algebraic curve is a point where the curve has "nasty" behavior such as a cusp or a point of self-intersection (when the underlying field K is taken as ...
The supremum is the least upper bound of a set S, defined as a quantity M such that no member of the set exceeds M, but if epsilon is any positive quantity, however small, ...
Thomae's theorem, also called Thomae's transformation, is the generalized hypergeometric function identity (1) where Gamma(z) is the gamma function, _3F_2(a,b,c;e,f;z) is a ...
A sequence {x_1,x_2,...} is equidistributed iff lim_(N->infty)1/Nsum_(n<N)e^(2piimx_n)=0 for each m=1, 2, .... A consequence of this result is that the sequence {frac(nx)} is ...
Given a Hilbert space H, a *-subalgebra A of B(H) is said to be a von Neumann algebra in H provided that A is equal to its bicommutant A^('') (Dixmier 1981). Here, B(H) ...
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