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Let A={A_1,A_2,...,A_n} be a union-closed set, then the union-closed set conjecture states that an element exists which belongs to at least n/2 of the sets in A. Sarvate and ...
A square matrix U is a unitary matrix if U^(H)=U^(-1), (1) where U^(H) denotes the conjugate transpose and U^(-1) is the matrix inverse. For example, A=[2^(-1/2) 2^(-1/2) 0; ...
The universal cover of a connected topological space X is a simply connected space Y with a map f:Y->X that is a covering map. If X is simply connected, i.e., has a trivial ...
The unknot, also called the trivial knot (Rolfsen 1976, p. 51), is a closed loop that is not knotted. In the 1930s Reidemeister first proved that knots exist which are ...
An unordered factorization is a factorization of a number into a product of factors where order is ignored. The following table lists the unordered factorizations of the ...
A generalization of the p-adic norm first proposed by Kürschák in 1913. A valuation |·| on a field K is a function from K to the real numbers R such that the following ...
A number v=xy with an even number n of digits formed by multiplying a pair of n/2-digit numbers (where the digits are taken from the original number in any order) x and y ...
A vector bundle is special class of fiber bundle in which the fiber is a vector space V. Technically, a little more is required; namely, if f:E->B is a bundle with fiber R^n, ...
A connection on a vector bundle pi:E->M is a way to "differentiate" bundle sections, in a way that is analogous to the exterior derivative df of a function f. In particular, ...
A schematic diagram used in logic theory to depict collections of sets and represent their relationships. The Venn diagrams on two and three sets are illustrated above. The ...
