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The best known packings of equilateral triangles into an equilateral triangle are illustrated above for the first few cases (Friedman). The best known packings of equilateral ...
There are two types of squares inscribing reference triangle DeltaABC in the sense that all vertices lie on the sidelines of ABC. The first type has two adjacent vertices of ...
The problem of finding the mean triangle area of a triangle with vertices picked inside a triangle with unit area was proposed by Watson (1865) and solved by Sylvester. It ...
Triangulation is the division of a surface or plane polygon into a set of triangles, usually with the restriction that each triangle side is entirely shared by two adjacent ...
Angle addition formulas express trigonometric functions of sums of angles alpha+/-beta in terms of functions of alpha and beta. The fundamental formulas of angle addition in ...
A set of positive integers is called weakly triple-free if, for any integer x, the set {x,2x,3x} !subset= S. For example, all subsets of {1,2,3,4,5} are weakly triple-free ...
The 14-faced Archimedean solid with faces 8{3}+6{8}. It is also the uniform polyhedron with Maeder index 9 (Maeder 1997), Wenninger index 8 (Wenninger 1989), Coxeter index 21 ...
The cubic Archimedean graph on 24 nodes and 36 edges that is the skeleton of the truncated cube. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
The cubic Archimedean graph on 60 nodes and 90 edges that is the skeleton of the truncated dodecahedron. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
The truncated dodecahedron is the 32-faced Archimedean solid with faces 20{3}+12{10}. It is also uniform polyhedron with Maeder index 26 (Maeder 1997), Wenninger index 10 ...
