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The snub dodecadodecahedron, not to be confused with the Archimdean snub dodecahedron, is the uniform polyhedron is the uniform polyhedron with Maeder index 40 (Maeder 1997), ...
The solid angle Omega subtended by a surface S is defined as the surface area Omega of a unit sphere covered by the surface's projection onto the sphere. This can be written ...
That portion of geometry dealing with solids, as opposed to plane geometry. Solid geometry is concerned with polyhedra, spheres, three-dimensional solids, lines in ...
A solid of revolution is a solid enclosing the surface of revolution obtained by rotating a 1-dimensional curve, line, etc. about an axis. A portion of a solid of revolution ...
The diagonal slash "/" used as the bar between numerator and denominator of an in-line fraction (Bringhurst 1997, p. 284). The solidus is also called a diagonal. Special care ...
A solitary number is a number which does not have any friends. Solitary numbers include all primes, prime powers, and numbers for which (n,sigma(n))=1, where (a,b) is the ...
Solomon's seal knot is the prime (5,2)-torus knot 5_1 with braid word sigma_1^5. It is also known as the cinquefoil knot (a name derived from certain herbs and shrubs of the ...
The 27 real or imaginary lines which lie on the general cubic surface and the 45 triple tangent planes to the surface. All are related to the 28 bitangents of the general ...
The concept of a space is an extremely general and important mathematical construct. Members of the space obey certain addition properties. Spaces which have been ...
A curve which may pass through any region of three-dimensional space, as contrasted to a plane curve which must lie in a single plane. Von Staudt (1847) classified space ...
