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The Hall graph is a distance-transitive graph on 65 vertices having intersection array {10,6,4,1;1,2,5} (Hall 1980). It is denoted Gamma^((3)) by Hall (1980) and was ...
The determination of whether a Turing machine will come to a halt given a particular input program. The halting problem is solvable for machines with less than four states. ...
A Hamiltonian walk on a connected graph is a closed walk of minimal length which visits every vertex of a graph (and may visit vertices and edges multiple times). For ...
Consider an n×n (0, 1)-matrix such as [a_(11) a_(23) ; a_(22) a_(34); a_(21) a_(33) ; a_(32) a_(44); a_(31) a_(43) ; a_(42) a_(54); a_(41) a_(53) ; a_(52) a_(64)] (1) for ...
The first Hardy-Littlewood conjecture is called the k-tuple conjecture. It states that the asymptotic number of prime constellations can be computed explicitly. A particular ...
A number n for which the harmonic mean of the divisors of n, i.e., nd(n)/sigma(n), is an integer, where d(n)=sigma_0(n) is the number of positive integer divisors of n and ...
A map u:M->N, between two compact Riemannian manifolds, is a harmonic map if it is a critical point for the energy functional int_M|du|^2dmu_M. The norm of the differential ...
The harmonic parameter of a polyhedron is the weighted mean of the distances d_i from a fixed interior point to the faces, where the weights are the areas A_i of the faces, ...
A positive integer which is divisible by the sum of its digits, also called a Niven number (Kennedy et al. 1980) or a multidigital number (Kaprekar 1955). The first few are ...
The circle H which touches the incircles I, I_A, I_B, and I_C of a circular triangle ABC and its associated triangles. It is either externally tangent to I and internally ...
