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The skeleton of the bislit cube is the 8-vertex simple graph, illustrated above in several embeddings, which consists of a cube in which two opposite faces have polyhedron ...
A bitangent is a line that is tangent to a curve at two distinct points. Aa general plane quartic curve has 28 bitangents in the complex projective plane. However, as shown ...
A Bland-Altman plot is a data plotting method which simultaneously presents data sets from two different tests in a way that allows for easier determination of whether the ...
Let F be the set of complex analytic functions f defined on an open region containing the set closure of the unit disk D={z:|z|<1} satisfying f(0)=0 and df/dz(0)=1. For each ...
An incidence system (v, k, lambda, r, b) in which a set X of v points is partitioned into a family A of b subsets (blocks) in such a way that any two points determine lambda ...
A board is a subset of the polygons determined by a number of (usually regularly spaced and oriented) lines. These polygons form the spaces on which "pieces" can be placed ...
In discrete percolation theory, bond percolation is a percolation model on a regular point lattice L=L^d in d-dimensional Euclidean space which considers the lattice graph ...
The Bonferroni correction is a multiple-comparison correction used when several dependent or independent statistical tests are being performed simultaneously (since while a ...
In continuum percolation theory, the Boolean-Poisson model is a Boolean model driven by a stationary point process X which is a Poisson process. The Boolean-Poisson model is ...
A two-dimensional binary (k=2) totalistic cellular automaton with a von Neumann neighborhood of range r=1. It has a birth rule that at least 2 of its 4 neighbors are alive, ...
