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The 60-faced dual polyhedron of the truncated dodecahedron A_(10) (Holden 1971, p. 55) and Wenninger dual W_(10). Wenninger (1989, p. 46) calls the small triambic icosahedron ...
B. Chilton and R. Whorf have studied stellations of the triakis tetrahedron (Wenninger 1983, p. 36). Whorf has found 138 stellations, 44 of which are fully symmetric and 94 ...
The triakis truncated tetrahedron is a convex space-filling polyhedron which is the shape of the Voronoi cell of carbon atoms in diamond. It can be constructed from the ...
A brute-force method of finding a divisor of an integer n by simply plugging in one or a set of integers and seeing if they divide n. Repeated application of trial division ...
A triangle-free graph is a graph containing no graph cycles of length three. A simple graph is triangle-free iff Tr(A^3)=0, where A is the adjacency matrix of the graph and ...
A triangle-replaced graph T(G) is a cubic graph in which each vertex is replaced by a triangle graph such that each vertex of the triangle is connected to one of the ...
In the above figure, let DeltaABC be a right triangle, arcs AP and AQ be segments of circles centered at C and B respectively, and define a = BC (1) b = CA=CP (2) c = BA=BQ. ...
Every convex body B in the Euclidean plane with area A can be inscribed in a triangle of area at most equal to 2A (Gross 1918, Eggleston 1957). The worst possible fit ...
Given rods of length 1, 2, ..., n, how many distinct triangles T(n) can be made? Lengths for which l_i>=l_j+l_k (1) obviously do not give triangles, but all other ...
A triangle cubic is a curve that can be expressed in trilinear coordinates such that the highest degree term in the trilinears alpha, beta, and gamma is of order three. Wells ...
