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For an arbitrary not identically constant polynomial, the zeros of its derivatives lie in the smallest convex polygon containing the zeros of the original polynomial.
If any of the roots of a polynomial are increased, then all of the critical points increase.
A sequence of approximations a/b to sqrt(n) can be derived by factoring a^2-nb^2=+/-1 (1) (where -1 is possible only if -1 is a quadratic residue of n). Then ...
Let {f_n(x)} be a sequence of analytic functions regular in a region G, and let this sequence be uniformly convergent in every closed subset of G. If the analytic function ...
The symbol RadicalBox[x, n] used to indicate a root is called a radical, or sometimes a surd. The expression RadicalBox[x, n] is therefore read "x radical n," or "the nth ...
In general, an unresolved nth root, commonly involving a radical symbol RadicalBox[x, n], is known as a surd. However, the term surd or "surd expression" (e.g., Hardy 1967, ...
The sum of the reciprocals of roots of an equation equals the negative coefficient of the linear term in the Maclaurin series.
A cyclotomic field Q(zeta) is obtained by adjoining a primitive root of unity zeta, say zeta^n=1, to the rational numbers Q. Since zeta is primitive, zeta^k is also an nth ...
The word multiplicity is a general term meaning "the number of values for which a given condition holds." For example, the term is used to refer to the value of the totient ...
A root-finding algorithm which converges to a complex root from any starting position. To motivate the formula, consider an nth order polynomial and its derivatives, P_n(x) = ...
