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The qubit |psi>=a|0>+b|1> can be represented as a point (theta,phi) on a unit sphere called the Bloch sphere. Define the angles theta and phi by letting a=cos(theta/2) and ...
The Frobenius norm, sometimes also called the Euclidean norm (a term unfortunately also used for the vector L^2-norm), is matrix norm of an m×n matrix A defined as the square ...
In the field of functional analysis, the Krein-Milman theorem is a result which characterizes all (nonempty) compact convex subsets K of "sufficiently nice" topological ...
The dot product can be defined for two vectors X and Y by X·Y=|X||Y|costheta, (1) where theta is the angle between the vectors and |X| is the norm. It follows immediately ...
In simple terms, let x, y, and z be members of an algebra. Then the algebra is said to be associative if x·(y·z)=(x·y)·z, (1) where · denotes multiplication. More formally, ...
A short exact sequence of groups A, B, and C is given by two maps alpha:A->B and beta:B->C and is written 0->A->B->C->0. (1) Because it is an exact sequence, alpha is ...
Every smooth nonzero vector field on the 3-sphere has at least one closed orbit. The conjecture was proposed in 1950 and proved true for Hopf maps. The conjecture was ...
The identity element of an additive group G, usually denoted 0. In the additive group of vectors, the additive identity is the zero vector 0, in the additive group of ...
Let A be a matrix and x and b vectors. Then the system Ax=b, x>=0 has no solution iff the system A^(T)y>=0, b^(T)y<0 has a solution, where y is a vector (Fang and Puthenpura ...
An algebraic ring which appears in treatments of duality in algebraic geometry. Let A be a local Artinian ring with m subset A its maximal ideal. Then A is a Gorenstein ring ...