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A Banach algebra is an algebra B over a field F endowed with a norm ||·|| such that B is a Banach space under the norm ||·|| and ||xy||<=||x||||y||. F is frequently taken to ...
The kernel of a group homomorphism f:G-->G^' is the set of all elements of G which are mapped to the identity element of G^'. The kernel is a normal subgroup of G, and always ...
Deciding whether a given Boolean formula in conjunctive normal form has an assignment that makes the formula "true." In 1971, Cook showed that the problem is NP-complete.
A vector sum is the result of adding two or more vectors together via vector addition. It is denoted using the normal plus sign, i.e., the vector sum of vectors A, B, and C ...
An auction in which the highest bidder wins but pays only the second-highest bid. This variation over the normal bidding procedure is supposed to encourage bidders to bid the ...
A geodesic is a locally length-minimizing curve. Equivalently, it is a path that a particle which is not accelerating would follow. In the plane, the geodesics are straight ...
A correction to a discrete binomial distribution to approximate a continuous distribution. P(a<=X<=b) approx P((a-1/2-np)/(sqrt(np(1-p)))<=z<=(b+1/2-np)/(sqrt(np(1-p)))), ...
The Gaussian joint variable theorem, also called the multivariate theorem, states that given an even number of variates from a normal distribution with means all 0, (1) etc. ...
Gibrat's distribution is a continuous distribution in which the logarithm of a variable x has a normal distribution, P(x)=1/(xsqrt(2pi))e^(-(lnx)^2/2), (1) defined over the ...
The determination of a test for the equality of means for two normal distributions with different variances given samples from each. There exists an exact test which, ...
