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1171 - 1180 of 1335 for Normal curveSearch Results

A perfect magic cube is a magic cube for which the rows, columns, pillars, space diagonals, and diagonals of each n×n orthogonal slice sum to the same number (i.e., the magic ...
A run is a sequence of more than one consecutive identical outcomes, also known as a clump. Let R_p(r,n) be the probability that a run of r or more consecutive heads appears ...
The smallest positive composite number and the first even perfect square. Four is the smallest even number appearing in a Pythagorean triple: 3, 4, 5. In the numerology of ...
The third prime number, which is also the second Fermat prime, the third Sophie Germain prime, and Fibonacci number F_4. It is an Eisenstein prime, but not a Gaussian prime, ...
The smallest composite squarefree number (2·3), and the third triangular number (3(3+1)/2). It is the also smallest perfect number, since 6=1+2+3. The number 6 arises in ...
Archimedes' spiral is an Archimedean spiral with polar equation r=atheta. (1) This spiral was studied by Conon, and later by Archimedes in On Spirals about 225 BC. Archimedes ...
The area moment of inertia is a property of a two-dimensional plane shape which characterizes its deflection under loading. It is also known as the second moment of area or ...
An infinite sequence of positive integers 1<=b_1<b_2<b_3<..., (1) also called a Sidon sequence, such that all pairwise sums b_i+b_j (2) for i<=j are distinct (Guy 1994). An ...
A barrel solid of revolution composed of parallel circular top and bottom with a common axis and a side formed by a smooth curve symmetrical about the midplane. The term also ...
The polynomials defined by B_(i,n)(t)=(n; i)t^i(1-t)^(n-i), (1) where (n; k) is a binomial coefficient. The Bernstein polynomials of degree n form a basis for the power ...
