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3701 - 3710 of 4142 for Multiply whole numbers and integersSearch Results
A subset G subset R of the real numbers is said to be a G_delta set provided G is the countable intersection of open sets. The name G_delta comes from German: The G stands ...
If T is a set of axioms in a first-order language, and a statement p holds for any structure M satisfying T, then p can be formally deduced from T in some appropriately ...
The golden angle is the angle that divides a full angle in a golden ratio (but measured in the opposite direction so that it measures less than 180 degrees), i.e., GA = ...
Let (a)_i be a sequence of complex numbers and let the lower triangular matrices F=(f)_(nk) and G=(g)_(nk) be defined as f_(nk)=(product_(j=k)^(n-1)(a_j+k))/((n-k)!) and ...
The Griewank function is a function widely used to test the convergence of optimization functions. The Griewank function of order n is defined by ...
Any locally compact Hausdorff topological group has a unique (up to scalars) nonzero left invariant measure which is finite on compact sets. If the group is Abelian or ...
A square matrix with constant skew diagonals. In other words, a Hankel matrix is a matrix in which the (i,j)th entry depends only on the sum i+j. Such matrices are sometimes ...
A tiling consisting of a rhombus such that 17 rhombuses fit around a point and a second tile in the shape of six rhombuses stuck together. These two tiles can fill the plane ...
Let l(x) be an nth degree polynomial with zeros at x_1, ..., x_n. Then the fundamental Hermite interpolating polynomials of the first and second kinds are defined by ...
The Cartesian product of a countable infinity of copies of the interval [0,1]. It can be denoted [0,1]^(aleph_0) or [0,1]^omega, where aleph_0 and omega are the first ...
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