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1081 - 1090 of 2846 for Maximum Modulus TheoremSearch Results
A semialgebraic set is a subset of R^n which is a finite Boolean combination of sets of the form {x^_=(x_1,...,x_n):f(x^_)>0} and {x^_:g(x^_)=0}, where f and g are ...
The Banach density of a set A of integers is defined as lim_(d->infty)max_(n)(|{A intersection [n+1,...,n+d]}|)/d, if the limit exists. If the lim is replaced with lim sup or ...
Bertrand's postulate, also called the Bertrand-Chebyshev theorem or Chebyshev's theorem, states that if n>3, there is always at least one prime p between n and 2n-2. ...
Four or more points P_1, P_2, P_3, P_4, ... which lie on a circle C are said to be concyclic. Three points are trivially concyclic since three noncollinear points determine a ...
The Lyapunov condition, sometimes known as Lyapunov's central limit theorem, states that if the (2+epsilon)th moment (with epsilon>0) exists for a statistical distribution of ...
The Wolstenholme numbers are defined as the numerators of the generalized harmonic number H_(n,2) appearing in Wolstenholme's theorem. The first few are 1, 5, 49, 205, 5269, ...
The only Wiedersehen surfaces are the standard round spheres. The conjecture was proven by combining the Berger-Kazdan comparison theorem with A. Weinstein's results for n ...
Let W(u) be a Wiener process. Then where V_t=f(W(t),tau) for 0<=tau=T-t<=T, and f in C^(2,1)((0,infty)×[0,T]). Note that while Ito's lemma was proved by Kiyoshi Ito (also ...
A set which is connected but not simply connected is called multiply connected. A space is n-multiply connected if it is (n-1)-connected and if every map from the n-sphere ...
The nullity of a linear transformation f:V->W of vector spaces is the dimension of its null space. The nullity and the map rank add up to the dimension of V, a result ...