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A pseudo-Riemannian manifold is a manifold which has a metric that is of the signature diag(-,+,...,+), as compared to a Riemannian manifold, which has a signature of all ...
A complex number z is said to be purely imaginary if it has no real part, i.e., R[z]=0. The term is often used in preference to the simpler "imaginary" in situations where z ...
A congruence of the form ax^2+bx+c=0 (mod m), (1) where a, b, and c are integers. A general quadratic congruence can be reduced to the congruence x^2=q (mod p) (2) and can be ...
For a quadratic form Q in the canonical form Q=y_1^2+y_2^2+...+y_p^2-y_(p+1)^2-y_(p+2)^2-...-y_r^2, the rank is the total number r of square terms (both positive and ...
The quantity ps-rq obtained by letting x = pX+qY (1) y = rX+sY (2) in ax^2+2bxy+cy^2 (3) so that A = ap^2+2bpr+cr^2 (4) B = apq+b(ps+qr)+crs (5) C = aq^2+2bqs+cs^2 (6) and ...
A method to obtain a signal C_l(z) with a flat spectrum c(theta;z) (such as a pulse), but having a smaller amplitude than the pulse. ...
V=100(Q_3-Q_1)/(Q_3+Q_1), where Q_1 and Q_3 are the first and third quartiles and Q_3-Q_1 is the interquartile range.
The Rabinovich-Fabrikant equation is the set of coupled linear ordinary differential equations given by x^. = y(z-1+x^2)+gammax (1) y^. = x(3z+1-x^2)+gammay (2) z^. = ...
R(p,tau) = int_(-infty)^inftyint_(-infty)^infty[1/(sigmasqrt(2pi))e^(-(x^2+y^2)/(2sigma^2))]delta[y-(tau+px)]dydx (1) = ...
The two-argument Ramanujan function is defined by phi(a,n) = 1+2sum_(k=1)^(n)1/((ak)^3-ak) (1) = 1-1/a(H_(-1/a)+H_(1/a)+2H_n-H_(n-1/a)-H_(n+1/a)). (2) The one-argument ...
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