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The sigmoid function, also called the sigmoidal curve (von Seggern 2007, p. 148) or logistic function, is the function y=1/(1+e^(-x)). (1) It has derivative (dy)/(dx) = ...
Given a circle expressed in trilinear coordinates by a central circle is a circle such that l:m:n is a triangle center and k is a homogeneous function that is symmetric in ...
A Gröbner basis G for a system of polynomials A is an equivalence system that possesses useful properties, for example, that another polynomial f is a combination of those in ...
The function z=f(x)=ln(x/(1-x)). (1) This function has an inflection point at x=1/2, where f^('')(x)=(2x-1)/(x^2(x-1)^2)=0. (2) Applying the logit transformation to values ...
A projection in which latitude lines are parallel but meridians are curves.
A nonconformal, equal-area projection which is a special case of the Bonne projection where one of the poles is taken as the standard parallel. Because of its heart shape, ...
The Zak transform is a signal transform relevant to time-continuous signals sampled at a uniform rate and an arbitrary clock phase (Janssen 1988). The Zak transform of a ...
A method for mapping three-dimensional figures onto the plane.
Several cylindrical equidistant projections were devised by R. Miller. Miller's projections have standard parallels of phi_1=37 degrees30^' (giving minimal overall scale ...
The Peters projection is a cylindrical equal-area projection that de-emphasizes the exaggeration of areas at high latitudes by shifting the standard latitude to phi_s=44.138 ...
