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A phenomenon in which a system being forced at an irrational period undergoes rational, periodic motion which persists for a finite range of forcing values. It may occur for ...
A map T:(M_1,omega_1)->(M_2,omega_2) between the symplectic manifolds (M_1,omega_1) and (M_2,omega_2) which is a diffeomorphism and T^*(omega_2)=omega_1, where T^* is the ...
A space D is connected if any two points in D can be connected by a curve lying wholly within D. A space is 0-connected (a.k.a. pathwise-connected) if every map from a ...
Several flavors of the open mapping theorem state: 1. A continuous surjective linear mapping between Banach spaces is an open map. 2. A nonconstant analytic function on a ...
A map is called bijective if it is both injective and surjective. A bijective map is also called a bijection. A function f admits an inverse f^(-1) (i.e., "f is invertible") ...
Admitting an inverse. An object that is invertible is referred to as an invertible element in a monoid or a unit ring, or to a map, which admits an inverse map iff it is ...
Let a in C and |a|<1, then phi_a(z)=(z-a)/(1-a^_z) is a Möbius transformation, where a^_ is the complex conjugate of a. phi_a is a conformal mapping self-map of the unit disk ...
Given a module M over a unit ring R, the set End_R(M) of its module endomorphisms is a ring with respect to the addition of maps, (f+g)(x)=f(x)+g(x), for all x in M, and the ...
A fractal based on iterating the map F(x)=ax+(2(1-a)x^2)/(1+x^2) (1) according to x_(n+1) = by_n+F(x_n) (2) x_(y+1) = -x_n+F(x_(n+1)). (3) The plots above show 10^4 ...
Let f:K^((0))->L^((0)) be a bijective correspondence such that the vertices v_0, ..., v_n of K span a simplex of K iff f(v_0), ..., f(v_n) span a simplex of L. Then the ...
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