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981 - 990 of 2765 for Linear Recurrence EquationSearch Results
Also called the ménage problem. In how many ways can n married couples be seated around a circular table in such a manner than there is always one man between two women and ...
A completely positive matrix is a real n×n square matrix A=(a_(ij)) that can be factorized as A=BB^(T), where B^(T) stands for the transpose of B and B is any (not ...
A copositive matrix is a real n×n square matrix A=(a_(ij)) that makes the corresponding quadratic form f(x)=x^(T)Ax nonnegative for all nonnegative n-vectors x. Copositive ...
A doubly nonnegative matrix is a real positive semidefinite n×n square matrix with nonnegative entries. Any doubly nonnegative matrix A of order n can be expressed as a Gram ...
The identity matrix is a the simplest nontrivial diagonal matrix, defined such that I(X)=X (1) for all vectors X. An identity matrix may be denoted 1, I, E (the latter being ...
Adding a damping force proportional to x^. to the equation of simple harmonic motion, the first derivative of x with respect to time, the equation of motion for damped simple ...
Given a general quadratic curve Ax^2+Bxy+Cy^2+Dx+Ey+F=0, (1) the quantity X is known as the discriminant, where X=B^2-4AC, (2) and is invariant under rotation. Using the ...
The Catalan numbers on nonnegative integers n are a set of numbers that arise in tree enumeration problems of the type, "In how many ways can a regular n-gon be divided into ...
The Ackermann function is the simplest example of a well-defined total function which is computable but not primitive recursive, providing a counterexample to the belief in ...
An antiprism graph is a graph corresponding to the skeleton of an antiprism. Antiprism graphs are therefore polyhedral and planar. The n-antiprism graph has 2n vertices and ...
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