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2111 - 2120 of 2765 for Linear Recurrence EquationSearch Results
The first and second isodynamic points of a triangle DeltaABC can be constructed by drawing the triangle's angle bisectors and exterior angle bisectors. Each pair of ...
The Kubo-Martin-Schwinger (KMS) condition is a kind of boundary-value condition which naturally emerges in quantum statistical mechanics and related areas. Given a quantum ...
A collection of identities which hold on a Kähler manifold, also called the Hodge identities. Let omega be a Kähler form, d=partial+partial^_ be the exterior derivative, ...
An L-algebraic number is a number theta in (0,1) which satisfies sum_(k=0)^nc_kL(theta^k)=0, (1) where L(x) is the Rogers L-function and c_k are integers not all equal to 0 ...
A nonassociative algebra obeyed by objects such as the Lie bracket and Poisson bracket. Elements f, g, and h of a Lie algebra satisfy [f,f]=0 (1) [f+g,h]=[f,h]+[g,h], (2) and ...
A Lie group is a smooth manifold obeying the group properties and that satisfies the additional condition that the group operations are differentiable. This definition is ...
Also called Radau quadrature (Chandrasekhar 1960). A Gaussian quadrature with weighting function W(x)=1 in which the endpoints of the interval [-1,1] are included in a total ...
A Lyapunov function is a scalar function V(y) defined on a region D that is continuous, positive definite, V(y)>0 for all y!=0), and has continuous first-order partial ...
The maximum leaf number l(G) of a graph G is the largest number of tree leaves in any of its spanning trees. (The corresponding smallest number of leaves is known as the ...
A McNugget number is a positive integer that can be obtained by adding together orders of McDonald's® Chicken McNuggetsTM (prior to consuming any), which originally came in ...