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Experimental mathematics is a type of mathematical investigation in which computation is used to investigate mathematical structures and identify their fundamental properties ...
A factorial prime is a prime number of the form n!+/-1, where n! is a factorial. n!-1 is prime for n=3, 4, 6, 7, 12, 14, 30, 32, 33, 38, 94, 166, 324, 379, 469, 546, 974, ...
The sum-of-factorial powers function is defined by sf^p(n)=sum_(k=1)^nk!^p. (1) For p=1, sf^1(n) = sum_(k=1)^(n)k! (2) = (-e+Ei(1)+pii+E_(n+2)(-1)Gamma(n+2))/e (3) = ...
The Farey sequence F_n for any positive integer n is the set of irreducible rational numbers a/b with 0<=a<=b<=n and (a,b)=1 arranged in increasing order. The first few are ...
An n-step Fibonacci sequence {F_k^((n))}_(k=1)^infty is defined by letting F_k^((n))=0 for k<=0, F_1^((n))=F_2^((n))=1, and other terms according to the linear recurrence ...
The Folkman graph is a semisymmetric graph that has the minimum possible number of nodes (20) (Skiena 1990, p. 186). It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
The function frac(x) giving the fractional (noninteger) part of a real number x. The symbol {x} is sometimes used instead of frac(x) (Graham et al. 1994, p. 70; Havil 2003, ...
Let K be a number field with r_1 real embeddings and 2r_2 imaginary embeddings and let r=r_1+r_2-1. Then the multiplicative group of units U_K of K has the form ...
For a given m, determine a complete list of fundamental binary quadratic form discriminants -d such that the class number is given by h(-d)=m. Heegner (1952) gave a solution ...
The generalized Petersen graph GP(n,k), also denoted P(n,k) (Biggs 1993, p. 119; Pemmaraju and Skiena 2003, p. 215), for n>=3 and 1<=k<=|_(n-1)/2_| is a connected cubic graph ...