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1171 - 1180 of 1338 for Legendre PolynomialSearch Results
The n-Andrásfai graph is a circulant graph on 3n-1 nodes whose indices are given by the integers 1, ..., 3n-1 that are congruent to 1 (mod 3). The Andrásfai graphs have graph ...
Betti numbers are topological objects which were proved to be invariants by Poincaré, and used by him to extend the polyhedral formula to higher dimensional spaces. ...
The biconjugate gradient stabilized (BCGSTAB) method was developed to solve nonsymmetric linear systems while avoiding the often irregular convergence patterns of the ...
A caterpillar graph, caterpillar tree, or simply "caterpillar," is a tree in which every graph vertex is on a central stalk or only one graph edge away from the stalk (in ...
A chordal graph is a simple graph in which every graph cycle of length four and greater has a cycle chord. In other words, a chordal graph is a graph possessing no chordless ...
The complete bipartite graph K_(1,3) is a tree known as the "claw." It is isomorphic to the star graph S_4, and is sometimes known as the Y graph (Horton and Bouwer 1991; ...
A column-convex polyomino is a self-avoiding convex polyomino such that the intersection of any vertical line with the polyomino has at most two connected components. ...
A complete k-partite graph is a k-partite graph (i.e., a set of graph vertices decomposed into k disjoint sets such that no two graph vertices within the same set are ...
The confluent hypergeometric function of the second kind gives the second linearly independent solution to the confluent hypergeometric differential equation. It is also ...
The conjugate gradient method can be applied on the normal equations. The CGNE and CGNR methods are variants of this approach that are the simplest methods for nonsymmetric ...
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