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31 - 40 of 1641 for Legendre Functionofthe Second KindSearch Results

For R[n]>-1 and R[z]>0, Pi(z,n) = n^zint_0^1(1-x)^nx^(z-1)dx (1) = (n!)/((z)_(n+1))n^z (2) = B(z,n+1), (3) where (z)_n is the Pochhammer symbol and B(p,q) is the beta ...
The spherical Hankel function of the first kind h_n^((1))(z) is defined by h_n^((1))(z) = sqrt(pi/(2z))H_(n+1/2)^((1))(z) (1) = j_n(z)+in_n(z), (2) where H_n^((1))(z) is the ...
Let the elliptic modulus k satisfy 0<k^2<1, and the Jacobi amplitude be given by phi=amu with -pi/2<phi<pi/2. The incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind is then ...
The complete elliptic integral of the first kind K(k), illustrated above as a function of the elliptic modulus k, is defined by K(k) = F(1/2pi,k) (1) = ...
The first type of tensor-like object derived from a Riemannian metric g which is used to study the geometry of the metric. Christoffel symbols of the first kind are variously ...
The Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind are a set of orthogonal polynomials defined as the solutions to the Chebyshev differential equation and denoted T_n(x). They are ...
The signed Stirling numbers of the first kind are variously denoted s(n,m) (Riordan 1980, Roman 1984), S_n^((m)) (Fort 1948, Abramowitz and Stegun 1972), S_n^m (Jordan 1950). ...
A function I_n(x) which is one of the solutions to the modified Bessel differential equation and is closely related to the Bessel function of the first kind J_n(x). The above ...
A modified spherical Bessel function of the first kind (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972), also called a "spherical modified Bessel function of the first kind" (Arfken 1985), is ...
Any of the three standard forms in which an elliptic integral can be expressed.
