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141 - 150 of 292 for Jordans InequalitySearch Results
A quantity a is said to be greater than b if a is larger than b, written a>b. If a is greater than or equal to b, the relationship is written a>=b. In the Wolfram Language, ...
Let |A| be an n×n determinant with complex (or real) elements a_(ij), then |A|!=0 if |a_(ii)|>sum_(j=1; j!=i)^n|a_(ij)|.
Let u_1<=u_2<=... be harmonic functions on a connected open set U subset= C. Then either u_j->infty uniformly on compact sets or there is a finite-values harmonic function u ...
Let A be a C^*-algebra. A C^*-subalgebra (that is a closed *-subalgebra) B of A is called hereditary if bab^' in B for all b,b^' in B and a in A, or equivalently if for a in ...
Of all convex n-gons of a given perimeter, the one which maximizes area is the regular n-gon.
A quantity a is said to be less than b if a is smaller than b, written a<b. If a is less than or equal to b, the relationship is written a<=b. In the Wolfram Language, this ...
A function f is said to have a lower bound c if c<=f(x) for all x in its domain. The greatest lower bound is called the infimum.
Let A=a_(ij) be a matrix with positive coefficients and lambda_0 be the positive eigenvalue in the Frobenius theorem, then the n-1 eigenvalues lambda_j!=lambda_0 satisfy the ...
Let f(z) be an analytic function in an angular domain W:|argz|<alphapi/2. Suppose there is a constant M such that for each epsilon>0, each finite boundary point has a ...
A distance g on a set that fulfils the same properties as a metric except relaxes the definition to allow the distance between two different points to be zero. An example of ...
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