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The cylindrical parts of a system of real algebraic equations and inequalities in variables {x_1,...,x_n} are the terms f_1 <= x_1<=g_1 (1) f_2(x_1) <= x_2<=g_2(x_1) (2) | ...
Eigenvalues are a special set of scalars associated with a linear system of equations (i.e., a matrix equation) that are sometimes also known as characteristic roots, ...
Eigenvectors are a special set of vectors associated with a linear system of equations (i.e., a matrix equation) that are sometimes also known as characteristic vectors, ...
A positive-height (outward-pointing) pyramid used in augmentation. The term was introduced by B. Grünbaum.
A field of extremals is a plane region which is simply connected by a one-parameter family of extremals. The concept was invented by Weierstrass.
(Deltau)_i^2=(u_i-u^_)^2, where u^_ is the average of {u_i}.
Given an m×n matrix A, the fundamental theorem of linear algebra is a collection of results relating various properties of the four fundamental matrix subspaces of A. In ...
A generalization of the Kronecker decomposition theorem which states that every finitely generated Abelian group is isomorphic to the group direct sum of a finite number of ...
A triangle-replaced graph T(G) is a cubic graph in which each vertex is replaced by a triangle graph such that each vertex of the triangle is connected to one of the ...
Modus tollens is a valid argument form in propositional calculus in which p and q are propositions. If p implies q, and q is false, then p is false. Also known as an indirect ...