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Any two rectilinear figures with equal area can be dissected into a finite number of pieces to form each other. This is the Wallace-Bolyai-Gerwien theorem. For minimal ...
The inverse tangent is the multivalued function tan^(-1)z (Zwillinger 1995, p. 465), also denoted arctanz (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972, p. 79; Harris and Stocker 1998, p. 311; ...
A line graph L(G) (also called an adjoint, conjugate, covering, derivative, derived, edge, edge-to-vertex dual, interchange, representative, or theta-obrazom graph) of a ...
The Lucas numbers are the sequence of integers {L_n}_(n=1)^infty defined by the linear recurrence equation L_n=L_(n-1)+L_(n-2) (1) with L_1=1 and L_2=3. The nth Lucas number ...
Pascal's triangle is a number triangle with numbers arranged in staggered rows such that a_(nr)=(n!)/(r!(n-r)!)=(n; r), (1) where (n; r) is a binomial coefficient. The ...
The term "snark" was first popularized by Gardner (1976) as a class of minimal cubic graphs with edge chromatic number 4 and certain connectivity requirements. (By Vizing's ...
A number is said to be squarefree (or sometimes quadratfrei; Shanks 1993) if its prime decomposition contains no repeated factors. All primes are therefore trivially ...
A tree is a mathematical structure that can be viewed as either a graph or as a data structure. The two views are equivalent, since a tree data structure contains not only a ...
Let G be an undirected graph, and let i denote the cardinal number of the set of externally active edges of a spanning tree T of G, j denote the cardinal number of the set of ...
The m×n knight graph is a graph on mn vertices in which each vertex represents a square in an m×n chessboard, and each edge corresponds to a legal move by a knight (which may ...