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The base-60 notational system for representing real numbers. A base-60 number system was used by the Babylonians and is preserved in the modern measurement of time (hours, ...
Select three points at random on the circumference of a unit circle and find the distribution of areas of the resulting triangles determined by these three points. The first ...
The algebraics, sometimes denoted A (Derbyshire 2004, p. 173), are the set of algebraic numbers. The set of algebraic numbers is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
Let F_n be the nth Fibonacci number. Then the sequence {F_n}_(n=2)^infty={1,2,3,5,8,...} is complete, even if one is restricted to subsequences in which no two consecutive ...
The AC method is an algorithm for factoring quadratic polynomials of the form p(x)=Ax^2+Bx+C with integer coefficients. As its name suggests, the crux of the algorithm is to ...
The curve produced by fixed point P on the circumference of a small circle of radius b rolling around the inside of a large circle of radius a>b. A hypocycloid is therefore a ...
Let t be a nonnegative integer and let x_1, ..., x_t be nonzero elements of Z_p which are not necessarily distinct. Then the number of elements of Z_p that can be written as ...
The sum of powers of even divisors of a number. It is the analog of the divisor function for even divisors only and is written sigma_k^((e))(n). It is given simply in terms ...
Let the residue from Pépin's theorem be R_n=3^((F_n-1)/2) (mod F_n), where F_n is a Fermat number. Selfridge and Hurwitz use R_n (mod 2^(35)-1,2^(36),2^(36)-1). A ...
d is called an e-divisor (or exponential divisor) of a number n with prime factorization n=p_1^(a_1)p_2^(a_2)...p_r^(a_r) if d|n and d=p_1^(b_1)p_2^(b_2)...p_r^(b_r), where ...
