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1021 - 1030 of 2712 for Interior Point MethodSearch Results
In 1976, Coates and Wiles showed that elliptic curves with complex multiplication having an infinite number of solutions have L-functions which are zero at the relevant fixed ...
A coaxal system is a system of coaxal circles. A spectacular example is the set of circles (circumcircle, nine-point circle, orthocentroidal circle, orthoptic circle of the ...
The radial curve of the deltoid x = 1/3a[2cost+cos(2t)] (1) y = 1/3a[2sint-sin(2t)] (2) with radiant point (x_0,y_0) is the trifolium x_r = x_0+4/3a[cost-cos(2t)] (3) y_r = ...
If the tangents at B and C to the circumcircle of a triangle DeltaABC intersect in a point K_1, then the circle with center K_1 and which passes through B and C is called the ...
The extended complex plane is the name given to the complex plane with a point at infinity attached: C union {infty^~}, where infty^~ denotes complex infinity. It is also ...
Two groups are isomorphic if the correspondence between them is one-to-one and the "multiplication" table is preserved. For example, the point groups C_2 and D_1 are ...
A planar diagram depicting a link (or knot) as a sequence of segments with gaps representing undercrossings and solid lines overcrossings. In such a diagram, only two ...
Every point which can be constructed with a straightedge and compass, and no other points, can be constructed using identical matchsticks (i.e., identical movable line ...
A partial derivative of second or greater order with respect to two or more different variables, for example f_(xy)=(partial^2f)/(partialxpartialy). If the mixed partial ...
If lim_(z->z_0)(f(z)-f(z_0))/(z-z_0) is the same for all paths in the complex plane, then f(z) is said to be monogenic at z_0. Monogenic therefore essentially means having a ...
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