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The most common form of cosine integral is Ci(x) = -int_x^infty(costdt)/t (1) = gamma+lnx+int_0^x(cost-1)/tdt (2) = 1/2[Ei(ix)+Ei(-ix)] (3) = -1/2[E_1(ix)+E_1(-ix)], (4) ...
The Darboux integral, also called a Darboux-Stieltjes integral, is a variant of the Stieltjes integral that is defined as a common value for the lower and upper Darboux ...
A method of determining the maximum number of positive and negative real roots of a polynomial. For positive roots, start with the sign of the coefficient of the lowest (or ...
There are several types of integrals which go under the name of a "Dirichlet integral." The integral D[u]=int_Omega|del u|^2dV (1) appears in Dirichlet's principle. The ...
Given a first-order ordinary differential equation (dy)/(dx)=F(x,y), (1) if F(x,y) can be expressed using separation of variables as F(x,y)=X(x)Y(y), (2) then the equation ...
The hyperbolic cosecant is defined as cschz=1/(sinhz)=2/(e^z-e^(-z)). (1) It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as Csch[z]. It is related to the hyperbolic cotangent ...
The hyperbolic cotangent is defined as cothz=(e^z+e^(-z))/(e^z-e^(-z))=(e^(2z)+1)/(e^(2z)-1). (1) The notation cthz is sometimes also used (Gradshteyn and Ryzhik 2000, p. ...
The hyperbolic secant is defined as sechz = 1/(coshz) (1) = 2/(e^z+e^(-z)), (2) where coshz is the hyperbolic cosine. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as Sech[z]. On ...
The Kubo-Martin-Schwinger (KMS) condition is a kind of boundary-value condition which naturally emerges in quantum statistical mechanics and related areas. Given a quantum ...
An algebra <L; ^ , v > is called a lattice if L is a nonempty set, ^ and v are binary operations on L, both ^ and v are idempotent, commutative, and associative, and they ...
