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611 - 620 of 1997 for Infinite SequenceSearch Results
A Banach space X is called minimal if every infinite-dimensional subspace Y of X contains a subspace Z isomorphic to X. An example of a minimal Banach space is the Banach ...
In many cases, the Hausdorff dimension correctly describes the correction term for a resonator with fractal perimeter in Lorentz's conjecture. However, in general, the proper ...
Let any finite or infinite set of points having no finite limit point be prescribed and associate with each of its points a principal part, i.e., a rational function of the ...
The nth Monica set M_n is defined as the set of composite numbers x for which n|[S(x)-S_p(x)], where x = a_0+a_1(10^1)+...+a_d(10^d) (1) = p_1p_2...p_m, (2) and S(x) = ...
The neighborhood complex N(G) of a locally finite graph G is defined as the abstract simplicial complex formed by the subsets of the neighborhoods of all vertices of G.
A ring is called left (respectively, right) Noetherian if it does not contain an infinite ascending chain of left (respectively, right) ideals. In this case, the ring in ...
Two totally ordered sets (A,<=) and (B,<=) are order isomorphic iff there is a bijection f from A to B such that for all a_1,a_2 in A, a_1<=a_2 iff f(a_1)<=f(a_2) (Ciesielski ...
Let (A,<=) and (B,<=) be totally ordered sets. Let C=A×B be the Cartesian product and define order as follows. For any a_1,a_2 in A and b_1,b_2 in B, 1. If a_1<a_2, then ...
A parallelohedron is a space-filling polyhedron that fills space using an infinite number of similarly situated copies (Tutton 1964, pp. 567 and 723; Coxeter 1973, pp. ...
A vector perpendicular to a given vector a is a vector a^_|_ (voiced "a-perp") such that a and a^_|_ form a right angle. In the plane, there are two vectors perpendicular to ...