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The idempotent numbers are given by B_(n,k)(1,2,3,...)=(n; k)k^(n-k), where B_(n,k) is a Bell polynomial and (n; k) is a binomial coefficient. A table of the first few is ...
A matrix is ill-conditioned if the condition number is too large (and singular if it is infinite).
Define the "information function" to be I=-sum_(i=1)^NP_i(epsilon)ln[P_i(epsilon)], (1) where P_i(epsilon) is the natural measure, or probability that element i is populated, ...
Let (A,<=) be a well ordered set. Then the set {a in A:a<k} for some k in A is called an initial segment of A (Rubin 1967, p. 161; Dauben 1990, pp. 196-197; Moore 1982, pp. ...
There are at least two distinct notions of an intensity function related to the theory of point processes. In some literature, the intensity lambda of a point process N is ...
Let X be an infinite set of urelements, and let V(^*X) be an enlargement of the superstructure V(X). Let A,B in V(X) be finitary algebras with finitely many operations, and ...
If an integrable quasiperiodic system is slightly perturbed so that it becomes nonintegrable, only a finite number of n-map cycles remain as a result of mode locking. One ...
An isoscelizer of an (interior) angle A in a triangle DeltaABC is a line through points I_(AB)I_(AC) where I_(AB) lies on AB and I_(AC) on AC such that DeltaAI_(AB)I_(AC) is ...
The Jackson-Slater identity is the q-series identity of Rogers-Ramanujan-type given by sum_(k=0)^(infty)(q^(2k^2))/((q)_(2k)) = ...
The Janko-Kharaghani-Tonchev graph is a strongly regular graph on 324 vertices and 24786 edges. It has regular parameters (nu,k,lambda,mu)=(324,153,72,72). It is implemented ...
