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The cototient of a positive number n is defined as n-phi(n), where n is the totient function. It is therefore the number of positive integers <=n that have at least one prime ...
A covering map (also called a covering or projection) is a surjective open map f:X->Y that is locally a homeomorphism, meaning that each point in X has a neighborhood that is ...
An infinite sequence of circles such that every four consecutive circles are mutually tangent, and the circles' radii ..., R_(-n), ..., R_(-1), R_0, R_1, R_2, R_3, R_4, ..., ...
Let F be the Maclaurin series of a meromorphic function f with a finite or infinite number of poles at points z_k, indexed so that 0<|z_1|<=|z_2|<=|z_3|<=..., then a pole ...
A cylindric section is the intersection of a plane with a right circular cylinder. It is a circle (if the plane is at a right angle to the axis), an ellipse, or, if the plane ...
An fairly good numerical integration technique. The method is also available in the Wolfram Language using the option Method -> DoubleExponential to NIntegrate.
A variable that appears in a calculation only as a placeholder and which disappears completely in the final result. For example, in the integral int_0^xf(x^')dx^', x^' is a ...
Let E be an elliptic curve defined over the field of rationals Q(sqrt(-d)) having equation y^2=x^3+ax+b with a and b integers. Let P be a point on E with integer coordinates ...
A module M over a unit ring R is called faithful if for all distinct elements a, b of R, there exists x in M such that ax!=bx. In other words, the multiplications by a and by ...
In 1657, Fermat posed the problem of finding solutions to sigma(x^3)=y^2, and solutions to sigma(x^2)=y^3, where sigma(n) is the divisor function (Dickson 2005). The first ...
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