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A number (usually base 10 unless specified otherwise) which has no digitaddition generator. Such numbers were originally called Colombian numbers (S. 1974). There are ...
A series is said to be convergent if it approaches some limit (D'Angelo and West 2000, p. 259). Formally, the infinite series sum_(n=1)^(infty)a_n is convergent if the ...
If an infinite number of points in the plane are all separated by integer distances, then all the points lie on a straight line.
One of the most useful tools in nonstandard analysis is the concept of a hyperfinite set. To understand a hyperfinite set, begin with an arbitrary infinite set X whose ...
A curve created by starting with a circle, dividing it into six arcs, and flipping three alternating arcs. The process is then repeated an infinite number of times.
An integral which has neither limit infinite and from which the integrand does not approach infinity at any point in the range of integration.
The Fibonacci numbers are the sequence of numbers {F_n}_(n=1)^infty defined by the linear recurrence equation F_n=F_(n-1)+F_(n-2) (1) with F_1=F_2=1. As a result of the ...
A differential k-form is a tensor of tensor rank k that is antisymmetric under exchange of any pair of indices. The number of algebraically independent components in n ...
The Bernoulli numbers B_n are a sequence of signed rational numbers that can be defined by the exponential generating function x/(e^x-1)=sum_(n=0)^infty(B_nx^n)/(n!). (1) ...
Fermat's last theorem is a theorem first proposed by Fermat in the form of a note scribbled in the margin of his copy of the ancient Greek text Arithmetica by Diophantus. The ...
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