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Consider a Boolean algebra of subsets b(A) generated by a set A, which is the set of subsets of A that can be obtained by means of a finite number of the set operations ...
Two nonisomorphic graphs can share the same graph spectrum, i.e., have the same eigenvalues of their adjacency matrices. Such graphs are called cospectral. For example, the ...
A set of m distinct positive integers S={a_1,...,a_m} satisfies the Diophantus property D(n) of order n (a positive integer) if, for all i,j=1, ..., m with i!=j, ...
Every semisimple Lie algebra g is classified by its Dynkin diagram. A Dynkin diagram is a graph with a few different kinds of possible edges. The connected components of the ...
An ordered factorization is a factorization (not necessarily into prime factors) in which a×b is considered distinct from b×a. The following table lists the ordered ...
A projective module generalizes the concept of the free module. A module M over a nonzero unit ring R is projective iff it is a direct summand of a free module, i.e., of some ...
A simple group is a group whose only normal subgroups are the trivial subgroup of order one and the improper subgroup consisting of the entire original group. Simple groups ...
Surface area is the area of a given surface. Roughly speaking, it is the "amount" of a surface (i.e., it is proportional to the amount of paint needed to cover it), and has ...
A group having continuous group operations. A continuous group is necessarily infinite, since an infinite group just has to contain an infinite number of elements. But some ...
The sinc function sinc(x), also called the "sampling function," is a function that arises frequently in signal processing and the theory of Fourier transforms. The full name ...
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