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If the top and bottom bases of a solid are equal in area, lie in parallel planes, and every section of the solid parallel to the bases is equal in area to that of the base, ...
The q-analog of the Pochhammer symbol defined by (a;q)_k={product_(j=0)^(k-1)(1-aq^j) if k>0; 1 if k=0; product_(j=1)^(|k|)(1-aq^(-j))^(-1) if k<0; ...
A method for verifying the correctness of an arithmetical operation on natural numbers, based on the same principle as casting out nines. The methods of sevens takes ...
Degen's eight-square identity is the incredible polynomial identity (1) found around 1818 by the Danish mathematician Ferdinand Degen (1766-1825). It was subsequently ...
A nonassociative algebra named after physicist Pascual Jordan which satisfies xy=yx (1) and (xx)(xy)=x((xx)y)). (2) The latter is equivalent to the so-called Jordan identity ...
Following Ramanujan (1913-1914), write product_(k=1,3,5,...)^infty(1+e^(-kpisqrt(n)))=2^(1/4)e^(-pisqrt(n)/24)G_n (1) ...
For a scalar function f over a surface parameterized by u and v, the surface integral is given by Phi = int_Sfda (1) = int_Sf(u,v)|T_uxT_v|dudv, (2) where T_u and T_v are ...
A sequence of uncorrelated numbers alpha_n developed by Wiener (1926-1927). The numbers are constructed by beginning with {1,-1}, (1) then forming the outer product with ...
A positive integer n is called a base-b Rhonda number if the product of the base-b digits of n is equal to b times the sum of n's prime factors. These numbers were named by ...
Cohomology is an invariant of a topological space, formally "dual" to homology, and so it detects "holes" in a space. Cohomology has more algebraic structure than homology, ...
