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A connective in logic which yields true if any one of a sequence conditions is true, and false if all conditions are false. In formal logic, the term disjunction (or, more ...
For some authors (e.g., Bourbaki, 1964), the same as principal ideal domain. Most authors, however, do not require the ring to be an integral domain, and define a principal ...
The probability density function (PDF) P(x) of a continuous distribution is defined as the derivative of the (cumulative) distribution function D(x), D^'(x) = ...
A finite simple connected graph G is quadratically embeddable if its quadratic embedding constant QEC(G) is nonpositive, i.e., QEC(G)<=0. A graph being quadratically ...
A quintic graph is a graph which is 5-regular. The only quintic graph on n<=7 nodes is the complete graph K_6. Quintic graphs exist only on even numbers of nodes, and the ...
The term "recursive function" is often used informally to describe any function that is defined with recursion. There are several formal counterparts to this informal ...
The concept of a space is an extremely general and important mathematical construct. Members of the space obey certain addition properties. Spaces which have been ...
For omega a differential (k-1)-form with compact support on an oriented k-dimensional manifold with boundary M, int_Mdomega=int_(partialM)omega, (1) where domega is the ...
A subset is a portion of a set. B is a subset of A (written B subset= A) iff every member of B is a member of A. If B is a proper subset of A (i.e., a subset other than the ...
Ramanujan's Dirichlet L-series is defined as f(s)=sum_(n=1)^infty(tau(n))/(n^s), (1) where tau(n) is the tau function. Note that the notation F(s) is sometimes used instead ...
