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The divisor function sigma_k(n) for n an integer is defined as the sum of the kth powers of the (positive integer) divisors of n, sigma_k(n)=sum_(d|n)d^k. (1) It is ...
The absolute value of a real number x is denoted |x| and defined as the "unsigned" portion of x, |x| = xsgn(x) (1) = {-x for x<=0; x for x>=0, (2) where sgn(x) is the sign ...
A Bessel function Z_n(x) is a function defined by the recurrence relations Z_(n+1)+Z_(n-1)=(2n)/xZ_n (1) and Z_(n+1)-Z_(n-1)=-2(dZ_n)/(dx). (2) The Bessel functions are more ...
The circumradius of a cyclic polygon is a radius of the circle inside which the polygon can be inscribed. Similarly, the circumradius of a polyhedron is the radius of a ...
For vectors u=(u_x,u_y,u_z) and v=(v_x,v_y,v_z) in R^3, the cross product in is defined by uxv = x^^(u_yv_z-u_zv_y)-y^^(u_xv_z-u_zv_x)+z^^(u_xv_y-u_yv_x) (1) = ...
A cylindrical wedge, also called a cylindrical hoof or cylindrical ungula, is a wedge cut from a cylinder by slicing with a plane that intersects the base of the cylinder. ...
The number N_d^((b))(n) of digits d in the base-b representation of a number n is called the b-ary digit count for d. The digit count is implemented in the Wolfram Language ...
The Dirac matrices are a class of 4×4 matrices which arise in quantum electrodynamics. There are a variety of different symbols used, and Dirac matrices are also known as ...
The double factorial of a positive integer n is a generalization of the usual factorial n! defined by n!!={n·(n-2)...5·3·1 n>0 odd; n·(n-2)...6·4·2 n>0 even; 1 n=-1,0. (1) ...
The Egyptian Mathematical Leather Roll (EMLR), dates to the Middle Kingdom, and was purchased in Egypt in 1858 by Henry Rhind, near the time when the Rhind papyrus was ...
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