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A diagram lemma which states that every short exact sequence of chain complexes and chain homomorphisms 0-->C-->^phiD-->^psiE-->0 gives rise to a long exact sequence in ...
Zeros of the Riemann zeta function zeta(s) come in two different types. So-called "trivial zeros" occur at all negative even integers s=-2, -4, -6, ..., and "nontrivial ...
A strong pseudoprime to a base a is an odd composite number n with n-1=d·2^s (for d odd) for which either a^d=1 (mod n) (1) or a^(d·2^r)=-1 (mod n) (2) for some r=0, 1, ..., ...
In common usage, a cardinal number is a number used in counting (a counting number), such as 1, 2, 3, .... In formal set theory, a cardinal number (also called "the ...
There are many unsolved problems in mathematics. Some prominent outstanding unsolved problems (as well as some which are not necessarily so well known) include 1. The ...
Algebraic geometry is the study of geometries that come from algebra, in particular, from rings. In classical algebraic geometry, the algebra is the ring of polynomials, and ...
There are at least two statements which go by the name of Artin's conjecture. If r is any complex finite-dimensional representation of the absolute Galois group of a number ...
The Bessel differential equation is the linear second-order ordinary differential equation given by x^2(d^2y)/(dx^2)+x(dy)/(dx)+(x^2-n^2)y=0. (1) Equivalently, dividing ...
The Cantor diagonal method, also called the Cantor diagonal argument or Cantor's diagonal slash, is a clever technique used by Georg Cantor to show that the integers and ...
Cauchy's functional equation is the equation f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y). It was proved by Cauchy in 1821 that the only continuous solutions of this functional equation from R into R ...