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A planar straight line embedding of a planar graph is a planar embedding in which only straight line segments are used to connect the graph vertices. Fáry (1948) showed that ...
A notion introduced by R. M. Wilson in 1974. Given a finite graph G with n vertices, puz(G) is defined as the graph whose nodes are the labelings of G leaving one node ...
A spectral sequence is a tool of homological algebra that has many applications in algebra, algebraic geometry, and algebraic topology. Roughly speaking, a spectral sequence ...
The treewidth is a measure of the count of original graph vertices mapped onto any tree vertex in an optimal tree decomposition. Determining the treewidth of an arbitrary ...
The triangle graph is the cycle graph C_3, which is isomorphic to the complete graph K_3 as well as to the complete tripartite graph K_(3×1)=K_(1,1,1) and the triangular ...
The q-binomial coefficient is a q-analog for the binomial coefficient, also called a Gaussian coefficient or a Gaussian polynomial. A q-binomial coefficient is given by [n; ...
A graceful graph is a graph that can be gracefully labeled. Special cases of graceful graphs include the utility graph K_(2,3) (Gardner 1983) and Petersen graph. A graph that ...
A graceful labeling (or graceful numbering) is a special graph labeling of a graph on m edges in which the nodes are labeled with a subset of distinct nonnegative integers ...
The (upper) vertex independence number of a graph, often called simply "the" independence number, is the cardinality of the largest independent vertex set, i.e., the size of ...
An independent vertex set of a graph G is a subset of the vertices such that no two vertices in the subset represent an edge of G. The figure above shows independent sets ...
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