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81 - 90 of 224 for Hertzsprung-Russel diagramSearch Results

An alternating knot is a knot which possesses a knot diagram in which crossings alternate between under- and overpasses. Not all knot diagrams of alternating knots need be ...
The word net has several meanings in mathematics. It refers to a plane diagram in which the polyhedron edges of a polyhedron are shown, a point set satisfying certain ...
A paradox mentioned in the Greek work Mechanica, dubiously attributed to Aristotle. Consider the above diagram depicting a wheel consisting of two concentric circles of ...
A simple way to describe a knot projection. The advantage of this notation is that it enables a knot diagram to be drawn quickly. For an oriented alternating knot with n ...
The Miller Institute knot is the 6-crossing prime knot 6_2. It is alternating, chiral, and invertible. A knot diagram of its laevo form is illustrated above, which is ...
A connective in logic which yields true if any one of a sequence conditions is true, and false if all conditions are false. In formal logic, the term disjunction (or, more ...
A spherical ring is a sphere with a cylindrical hole cut so that the centers of the cylinder and sphere coincide, also called a napkin ring. Let the sphere have radius R and ...
A knot property, also called the twist number, defined as the sum of crossings p of a link L, w(L)=sum_(p in C(L))epsilon(p), (1) where epsilon(p) defined to be +/-1 if the ...
In combinatorial logic minimization, a device known as a Karnaugh map is frequently used. It is similar to a truth table, but the various variables are represented along two ...
Marion's theorem (Mathematics Teacher 1993, Maushard 1994, Morgan 1994) states that the area of the central hexagonal region determined by trisection of each side of a ...
