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The fibonorial n!_F, also called the Fibonacci factorial, is defined as n!_F=product_(k=1)^nF_k, where F_k is a Fibonacci number. For n=1, 2, ..., the first few fibonorials ...
The case of the Weierstrass elliptic function with invariants g_2=1 and g_3=0. In this case, the half-periods are given by (omega_1,omega_2)=(omega,iomega), where omega is ...
States that for a nondissipative Hamiltonian system, phase space density (the area between phase space contours) is constant. This requires that, given a small time increment ...
Infinite series of various simple functions of the logarithm include sum_(k=1)^^^inftylnk = 1/2ln(2pi) (1) sum_(k=1)^^^infty(-1)^klnk = 1/2ln(1/2pi) (2) ...
There are several different kinds of magic numbers. The digital root and magic constant are sometimes known as magic numbers. In baseball, the magic number for a team in ...
The Maxwell (or Maxwell-Boltzmann) distribution gives the distribution of speeds of molecules in thermal equilibrium as given by statistical mechanics. Defining a=sqrt(kT/m), ...
A function f(x) is said to be periodic (or, when emphasizing the presence of a single period instead of multiple periods, singly periodic) with period p if f(x)=f(x+np) for ...
Somos defines a rational triangle as a triangle such that all three sides measured relative to each other are rational. Koblitz (1993) defined a congruent number as an ...
There exists a positive integer s such that every sufficiently large integer is the sum of at most s primes. It follows that there exists a positive integer s_0>=s such that ...
In logic, a term is a variable, constant, or the result of acting on variables and constants by function symbols. In algebra, a term is a product of the form x^n (in the ...
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